On Thursday, April 18th, the 6th grade Jamboree took place from 5-6:15 pm, and open house for 7th and 8th graders was from 5:45-7:30 on the same day. In core classes, which are history, English, math, and science, teachers display the student’s work for parents to see. Additionally, PE teachers have mentioned that activities such as cornhole will be happening in the gym while the River Hawk video plays. The day of Open House and the Jamboree is a minimum day because of CAASPP testing. This shortened day allows teachers to prep and ensure everything in their rooms is ready.
Some teachers may even have slideshows projected showcasing about things that have happened in their classes throughout the school year or even photos from team events, such as photos from the 7th grade LA Zoo field trip for teams that have already gone. In Journalism, a QR code on a plastic stand will be there for people to scan, taking you to Norte News’ website to view articles.
At the open house, there are different tables where the incoming 6th graders can see what elective classes such as Rio TV, ASB, etc are about. At the entrance, ASB will greet people arriving at the front gate. They may also give students informational packets. Also, some classes are available to walk through so that upcoming students can get a feel of what classes will be like or even see previous students’ work. Last year, students could go to the MPR to see a short play performed by Rio Advanced Drama members.
One difference between Back to School Night on August 31st of last year and Open House is that since parents have met their child’s teachers, they primarily go to classrooms to see their child’s work. One similarity is that Rio’s principal, Mrs. Bennett, will give a short speech with the Pledge of Allegiance following. Rio Norte 7th grader Inessa Khizantsyan says, “My favorite part about Open House was The Kona Ice truck. The one where they fill a cup of ice, and you can put flavors on it.” She also says that she wishes that at Open House, there were “more exciting things that would represent the school better. (like fun things so people know that Rio Norte is a fun place.”) Overall, Rio’s 2024 Open House and the Jamboree are great ways for 6th-grade students to learn more about Rio and for current families to see what their children have been working on.