The Recent Monkeypox Outbreak


Courtesy of News Medical

Sophia Stockman

Monkeypox, much like smallpox, was known as a rare disease mainly found in parts of Africa. It recently started to spread in 2022. Monkeypox is not a new disease, but recently cases have risen in other places of the world, like the United States. Here’s how to help prevent yourself from getting it and a brief description of how people have gotten it.

You can get Monkeypox if you have close contact with people and/or family who look to have some sort of rash or red bumps on their arms. If you have had close contact with people who seem to have symptoms of Monkeypox, disinfecting all of the clothes and items you had that day is a good step. Animals can also get infected, so especially make sure to keep your distance from them. If you get monkeypox, you may have flu-like symptoms, a high temperature, or a sore throat. The most known reaction to monkeypox is getting tiny bumps all over your body, much like when people get chickenpox. It’s not advised to pop or try to get rid of the bumps, because you may be left with rashes. The bumps go away on their own, though you may have tiny scars left over.

Courtesy of the Wisconsin Department of Health

To avoid getting Monkeypox, you need to have good hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands and bathe frequently. Do not touch an object or fabric that belongs to people who have had monkeypox because even the object itself can get contaminated. There’s a slim chance that you can get Monkeypox when your food (mainly meat) isn’t fully cooked, so make sure to thoroughly cook your food. You may also get Monkeypox if an animal scratches or bites you. Skin-to-skin contact is one of the main and easiest ways to get Monkeypox. Anyone can get it. If adults get it, they can still have symptoms, but not as harsh. In fact, some people don’t even get any symptoms at all! don’t even get any symptoms at all!

There still isn’t a high chance of getting monkeypox at the moment, but cases can still rise. There are many ways to get Monkeypox and avoid it. By knowing more about Monkeypox you can prevent getting and spreading the disease.