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The Student News Site of Rio Norte Junior High

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Norte News

Courtesy of HGTV
Home Growing Foods
May 28, 2024

Chiquita Canyon Landfill Gas Leaks

Courtesy of the Los Angeles County Development Authority

The Chiquita Canyon Landfill is located in Castaic, California. It was established in 1972 and is owned by Waste Connections. The landfill has raised major health concerns about the side effects of the actions being taken there, causing gas leaks and other unsafe hazards. Multiple complaints have been filed due to these negative side effects. The landfill is known to create polluted water, emit a foul smell noticed by nearby residents, and deteriorate the air quality around it.

Polluted water is one significant byproduct of the landfill. The water that goes through the Chiquita Canyon Landfill becomes contaminated with dangerous chemicals as it runs through. The chemicals released from burning the trash leach into the water that is running through the landfill. The water shows elevated traces of the chemical Benzene, which can cause cancer. Some of the water contains enough pollutants to be considered hazardous waste. The water being leaked from the landfill ranges from 20,000 to 200,000 gallons a day. Contaminated water isn’t the only threat posed by the landfill.

The landfill releases dangerous gasses and foul smells to surrounding neighborhoods. Elevated levels of explosive compounds have been found in the gasses released, including benzene and carbon tetrachloride, both of which are toxic. There have been about 7,000 health and odor complaints about the landfill. Mrs. Talukder, a kindergarten teacher at Castaic Elementary school, states that, “The air quality has affected the time children can play outside due to toxic fumes that are being released. We have an air quality monitor at school.” The air quality has deteriorated so much that now it’s cutting into the time children are allowed to be outside.

The landfill has caused many to detest the area around it and has brought down the overall value of living there. From toxic gasses in the air to hazardous waste flowing out of the landfill, the Chiquita Canyon Landfill poses too many health risks.

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