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Norte News

The Student News Site of Rio Norte Junior High

Norte News

Norte News



Rio Norte Journalism believes that accuracy and truth are fundamental to good journalism. The pursuit of truth is unapologetic. For those who strive for honesty, it cannot be otherwise. Civic knowledge, personal virtue, patriotism, respect for the rule of law, and civil free speech are essential for a free and self-governing society to persevere. America’s founding principles have outlasted and extinguished from law various forms of evil, such as slavery, racism, and other violations of the equal protection of natural rights. The United States of America is unprecedented in the annals of human history for the extraordinary degrees of freedom, peace, and prosperity available to its people and those who immigrate to her shores. That these unprecedented benefits are the result of its founding ideas and of those who have bravely sacrificed to prove these principles true—the principles that all men are created equal in their human dignity and possession of certain natural rights, that government exists solely to protect these rights and to promote the public good, and that people ought to govern themselves and respect the rights of one another. That for these reasons, America is an exceptionally good country.

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