Making money as a teen can feel impossible, but it’s not as hard as people think. From gaming to storefront jobs and hustling, it will all be covered.
Starting with store jobs. In the state of California, the legal age with a work permit to work is 14, but as a 13 & and 12-year-old, you can work on non-school days up to 40-hour weeks. Sadly, a person most likely won’t be able to work at McDonald’s or other food-serving places. Retail stores are the place most likely to employ minors. If a person works hard they can make at least $32,320 a year as a 14 & and 15-year-old working full time at 16$ an hour before taxes. For 13 & 12 year olds they can make at least $23,040 a year working full time at 16$ an hour.
Now for hustling, which will require a lot of work and time, a person is going to have to scale a business which can be a pain, but the two best businesses are painting house addresses and car washing. For painting house addresses, you will need some spray paint decals and clients. To gain clients, go door to door asking if they would like to get their curbside addresses repainted or painted. After completing it, ask the client if they could tell their friends about your business to receive a 10% discount. Repeat this until you have a nice amount of clients and start to raise your prices. Car washing is more sustainable than painting, do the same process to gain clients and wash cars with the proper supplies. You can increase prices as you get better supplies to provide a better wash.
Finally, gaming could be the most work but probably the most fun. Before you start, you need to know that unless you are a high rank in your game you can not do this method. To start, you need to look for a team that is holding tryouts or is willing to take you. Work hard to make it onto the team and compete in tournaments, make videos for the team and more. Money will soon follow if you work hard enough.