Many people have played on an Xbox, whether on the original Xbox or the newest Xbox Series S or Series X. Created by Microsoft, Xbox is one of the top three video game systems, alongside Nintendo and Sony PlayStation. Overall, there have been many advancements on the Xbox from 2001 to now.
Starting from the beginning, Microsoft was created by two school friends, Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. Later, Microsoft introduced the Windows operating system. The programs allowed people to click on-screen buttons to issue commands instead of typing in commands. It also allowed people to multi-task by opening different windows on the computer. Today, Microsoft is a major developer and publisher of software, computers, and gaming consoles. It owns many companies including Mojang, ZeniMax, and Activision Blizzard.

In 1999, Microsoft was concerned about the success of Sony’s PlayStation damaging the personal computer market and decided to create a gaming console, initially named the DirectX-box. It was created to diversify the product line and take advantage of the thriving gaming industry. It faced many launch delays and price changes until 2001 when the Xbox was released. The Xbox, though lacking the product licensing benefits, provided better technological features compared to the PlayStation and Nintendo.
One of the earliest games on the Xbox was Halo Combat Evolved, which helped propel Xbox sales. It was created in 2001. In the game, aliens called the Covenant and the Flood come from another planet and the player has to fight them as a character called the Master Chief over many missions. In the two-player mode for this game and Halo 2, the second player is the same character as player one. The other game, Halo 2 was the sequel to Halo Combat Evolved, which was created in 2004. The goal is the same as in Halo Combat Evolved, but sometimes you can take the position of the Covenant as a character called the Arbiter. A third game is Gears of War. The point of the game is to fight for humans against monsters called the Locust and the Swarm. Finally, Halo 3 wa

s created in 2007. The goal of this game is to fight the Covenant and Flood, but this time the Arbiter is the second player and on your side.
There have been many advancements from the Xbox One S to the Xbox Series X. For instance, the teraflops (for computing and processing) for the Xbox Series X is 12, which is higher than the teraflops for the Xbox One S, which is 1.4. Another example is the CPU speed. The speed for the Xbox One X is 1.75 GHz (GHz means gigahertz), while the speed for the Xbox X is 3.8 GHz. A third example is the RAM (RAM is memory and data storage). The Xbox X has a higher RAM, 1 Terabyte, while the Xbox One S has 8 Gigabytes. Finally, the resolution (picture quality) is different. In the Xbox X, the resolution is up to 8K, while the resolution for the Xbox One S is 1080P 4K.
The Xbox console has changed from the first Xbox to the Xbox Series X. There are many games and many changes to the console. From being created to make a profit to being one of the top three names in the gaming industry, Xbox has changed a lot. Overall, Microsoft’s Xbox has a rich, but short history of 24 years from its first debut in 2001 to today.