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May 28, 2024

3 of the Best Video Games (In My Opinion)

All the way from 1950 to now there have been hundreds, if not thousands of video games created to captivate the attention of people like you and me. These games have recreated the way we see the world and what the average person is capable of being able to do. However, on the topic of the best video games we first need to understand what really makes a video game one of the best. In my opinion for a game to be “the best” it needs to captivate the player in an entirely new reality, have an open world-experience where if the player is free to explore and find their own way, the game should have an ending which feels satisfying to earn (if it has no end the player will just feel hopeless and empty inside), and finally if the player chooses to replay the game it should be fun every time (more difficulties, more items to earn, more paths to choose, multiplayer options, etc). Now that you understand the gist of my game philosophy, let’s take a look at some games that really take this and bring it to the next level.


Ah yes, the fun sandbox with “amazing!” physics and fun gameplay. This game truly diverts the attention of the player to the open sanbox and ability to do nearly anything, from flying till sky’s limit, traveling through dimensions, and even fighting a poisonous gas dragon as the final boss. Did I even mention the amount of craftables there are? In all (as I am making this) there are 379 craftable items (excluding the addition of mods and other add-ons). Lastly, this game has both a multiplayer feature and different levels of difficulty so you could play with your friends, fight hordes of hostile mobs, create amazing builds, and with the addition of mods you are capable of doing so much more. As a side note, Minecraft still receives updates which boast a variety of new content and even more cool places to explore, which still attracts people from all over the world to try this incredible game out.


Roblox has influenced people world wide to explore and understand a brand new world filled with anything beyond what you can imagine. With the creation of roblox studios where your imagination is the limit of whatever is possible. Now let’s get back to the original game. Here there are many games with endless quests and possibilities. If Roblox were a puzzle, the influx of pieces would seem endless. There are also multiplayer settings so you at the same time could play with your friends and enjoy the endless possibilities and realities roblox has to offer.

Hollow Knight

This creative game envelopes the player in a 2D reality much like games such as Mario. However, this game has exactly 47 bosses (one being a joke that does 0 damage). The game centers around the original Hollow Knight whose purity was mis-judged and was not worthy enough to hold the wrath of the Radiance. So, you the player explore the ruined kingdom that was created by wyrm, reincarnated as the pale king. In this world you can use a dream nail,(imagine a nail as a sword) to make the player enter a new plane of reality which includes harder bosses and more powerful beings. Now the player has to destroy the dreamers who stop the player from becoming a new hollow knight. Once doing so you blast the hollow knight and take his place concealing the vengeance of the Radiance inside of you. However, there are multiple endings 1 of which is helped by your half-sister hornet (the vessel and Hornet share the same father) where you enter the dream realm inside of the hollow knight and with the help of it destroy the Radiance, but in doing so sacrifice yourself. This game too has a multiplayer feature where you and your friends can work together to defeat all the separate bosses, and attain victory over the hollow knight, or stop the radiance completely. You can even 112% the game which requires the player to venture to The Godseekers dream world and defeat all the previous bosses, but this time they are super buffed which means they have more special attacks and new abilities.

Courtesy of Steam

Overall these amazing games showcase an incredible amount of creativity. These are true masterpieces that really show that anything is possible and your only limit is your imagination. They have also been a great inspiration for countless other games. As a final note I believe that these games are a true testament to what us humans have the capability to do.


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