Rio Norte’s Drama Production Election known as the” Drama Hawks” recently performed Clue, a play based on the classic board game “Clue”. The play was directed by Rio Nortes Drama teacher Mr. Owston, also known as Mr. O. The student directors included: Makenzie Smith, Sophie Boktor, and Balia Soler. The play was around an hour and thirty minutes long starting at 7:00 pm. Tickets went on sale from April 29th all the way till May 9th. The shows ran for two days: Thursday May 9th and Friday May 10th. Both starting and ending at 7:00-9:00. Tickets could’ve been purchased either at the show, which was performed in Rio Nortes MPR, or in Mr. O’s room, C-1.
The cast consists of Wadsworth played by Sofia Due, Yvette played by Erin Buliga, Mrs. Peacock played by Alondra Keshishyan, Mrs. White played by Isbella Aued, Colonel Mustard played by Maya Smith, Professor Plum played by Peyton Caldwell, Mr. Green played by Jack Fuschillo, the Cop played by Aarnav Sachdeva, the Cook played by Bella Spigno, Singing Telegram Girl played by Corbin Hybl, Mr. Boddy played by Nicholas Maul, the Motorist played by Amelia Lazo, Chief of Police played by Courtney Hohl, and lastly stage crew consisted of Giana Torres, Dakota Baccelli, Sophie Boktor, and Makenzie Smith. Not everyone that is in Drama starred in the play, some students were student directors and stage crew. However, everyone in the theatre had a headshot taken by Rio Nortes Photography teacher Mrs. Mandel in room D-3. During the play no outside food was allowed, however, inside they sold drinks and snacks like candy for $2.00 each. There was a 10 minute intermission halfway through the show to use the restroom or get a snack.
The play is based on a 1985 Paramount picture Clue. It is a comedic murder-mystery that has 6 main characters: Miss Scarlett, Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green, and Mr. Plum. The story takes place in a remote mansion where all the guests attend a mystery dinner and murder and blackmail take place. They find their host dead on the floor making them all suspects of murder. All six characters race to find the killer as more and more people are found dead. 8th grader Maya Smith who plays Colonel Mustard says about her experience in Drama, “It is really fun and I enjoy being on stage. It is difficult memorizing lines but it is a good experience. I love the friends I’ve made and all the connections I have made with all of my peers.”
Overall this play was very wonderful and mysterious. The Drama Hawks have had a wonderful year with this being their 8th graders last play. The Drama Production wanted to give a thanks to Mrs. Mandel’s Photography class for taking the casts head shots that were placed on boards in the back of the MPR during the play. This play was great and we can’t wait till next school year!!