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The Student News Site of Rio Norte Junior High

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Courtesy of HGTV
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May 28, 2024

The 2024 NBA Draft

Courtesy of ESPN
The draft podium from 2023

The 2024 NBA draft is almost here. The NBA draft is one of the fans favorite parts of the NBA. The draft welcomes new players and talents to the NBA. The draft is on Thu, Jun 26-27, 2024, and is in Brooklyn, N.Y..Every year fans get excited to see if their teams will get new generational talents.

The way the draft works is players are put in draft with every NBA team and are selected through the course of two rounds. Teams will trade picks for players and picks for picks for that draft. Teams can trade ten years before for that year’s pick.The draft lottery has different team names and are randomly selected. The teams with higher picks have a higher chance of getting a higher pick. Then during draft day teams have 5 minutes to decide on who to draft, or they can trade their pick for another pick or player.

A student at Rio Norte, Danner Angeles, was interviewed about his thoughts on the NBA draft. He was asked, What is your favorite part about the NBA draft?, he responded, “My favorite part is probably the five minutes that the team has to select someone. It kinda gives the fans a excitement and interest on what the team will do.” He was also asked Who do you think is going to be drafted first in the NBA draft?, he answered, “Obviously Alex Sarr, he is the most obvious number one pick and is a great fit for the team that has the number one draft pick.” The last question he was asked was, Who is your favorite player in the NBA draft?, he then answered, “Stephen Castle because I admire his game and kinda copied some of his moves. I like the way he is on and off the court and will be a solid addition to the NBA”

This NBA draft is one of the most highly anticipated parts of the National Basketball Association. Every year fans are not disappointed with the player their team gets. Hopefully the draft sticks around for a while and will always be a huge part of the NBA.

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