The new ice cream shop in Santa Clarita off the Old Road originated in Youngstown, Ohio in 1945. Where Alice Handel made homemade ice cream during the summer months using fresh fruit from her garden, in her neighborhood, these personal recipes became a favorite among all the neighbors. Even today across America Handle’s ice cream still upholds the traditions that Alice Handle started back in Youngstown. Handle’s Ice Cream still makes fresh ice cream daily and uses the same recipes and methods.
Today, Handles serves many different things such as sundaes and hurricanes, vanilla ice cream mixed with different toppings. They also serve shakes, Handel pops, ice cream dipped in chocolate, chocolate-covered bananas, ice cream sandwiches, and treats for your dogs. These treats include Popcicles, Frosty Paws, and Dogsters.
They serve their famous ice cream too, which comes in many flavors like strawberry, banana, birthday cake, brownie dough, butterscotch ripple, cherry vanilla, chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate-covered strawberry, and many other unique flavors.
Their stores are scattered throughout the country and have several shops in most states. The lines are decently long but move pretty fast allowing for efficient sales. Since they have many workers on the job it only takes a few minutes per order. Overall, Handles is a very good ice cream shop, and you should make a stop and buy something if you pass by.