Godzilla X Kong is the 5th installment of the new Godzilla movies. It was released on March 29 and was directed by Adam Wingard. The movie focuses on the massive reptilian Godzilla and the ginormous ape King Kong setting aside their differences to combat a bigger threat hidden deep within the Earth. The movie is 1 hour and 55 minutes long and made $436.5 million at the box office. Overall, the movie is a must-watch if you just want to watch pure action.
SPOILER ALERT: GXK starts off with Godzilla fighting Scylla, a giant crab titan(another word for these monsters) who wants to challenge Godzilla for the title of Alpha Titan. Godzilla quickly pins Scylla down and blasts her with his atomic breath instantly causing her whole body to explode all over Rome in Italy where they were fighting. Meanwhile, Kong goes into an area called the Hollow Earth which is an area hidden inside the Earth with paranormal properties and creatures. Kong finds another younger big ape named Suko which surprised the humans who were following because they thought Kong was the last great ape. Kong follows Suko and finds a whole civilization full of great apes deep within the Hollow Earth. Kong is amazed that all of his kind are in a more hidden part of Hollow Earth here and decides to help around some of the mistreated apes. However, their ruler Skar King decided to try and get rid of Kong which prompted them to fight. Skar King and Kong are perfectly matched but Skar King decided to show his secret trick revealed beneath a waterfall of lava. He flashed the crystal on his whip which revealed the titan Shimo, a giant ice titan that’s bigger than Godzilla, it turns out Shimo is controlled by the crystal that Skar King has.
Meanwhile, Godzilla eradicated the sea serpent titan Tiamat in order for him to power up and unlock his pink evolved form. The fight is quick and again Godzilla blasts Tiamat with his beam. Back in the Hollow Earth, Kong retreats with Suko due to being overpowered by Skar King and Shimo. The humans following Kong decided to give Kong a gift, the powerful B.E.A.S.T glove. After this Kong decides to return back to the surface in order to call upon Godzilla to help him defeat Skar King and break control of Shimo. However, Godzilla mistakes this as a challenge and decides to ram and do some WWE moves on Kong into the Pyramids of Giza. Suddenly, the Queen of the Monsters, Mothra interfered in order to save Kong’s life which persuaded Godzilla to work with Kong in order to stop the King of the Hollow Earth. All 3 of them entered the Hollow Earth portal where Skar King, Shimo, and the ape army were waiting.
The 4 titans charged each other when a secret civilization from Hollow Earth caused the gravity to alter causing them to fight even with the different gravity. The brawl led everyone except Mothra and Skar King’s army to go inside a Hollow Earth portal that led to Rio de Jenario, Brazil. The 5 Titans started to fight it out again while destroying the city in the process. Shimo and Godzilla started to charge up their breaths at each other. However, Skar King had lost the crystal that controlled Shimo and it was now lying on the ground. A desperate Kong tried to grab the crystal but was pinned by Skar King however, Kong’s axe was laying right next to it and Suko managed to grab the axe and destroy the crystal which finally freed Shimo from Skar King’s control. The 4 titans started to beat down Skar King with Shimo freezing him and Kong shattering him until the frozen ape shattered. The 4 titans roared in triumph and victory as the movie came to a close.