Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey, the acclaimed platform game, featuring the iconic character Mario, invites players on an adventure spanning diverse worlds, known as “Kingdoms,” aboard Mario’s trusty vessel, the Odyssey. The primary objective? To rescue Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser, who plans to marry her against her will. With an impressive 27.56 million copies sold worldwide, Super Mario Odyssey has solidified its status as one of the most beloved titles on the Nintendo Switch.
Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash, the rhythmic platformer developed by RobTop Games, challenges players to guide a square-shaped character through obstacle-laden levels synced with electronic music. With its addictive gameplay, featuring precise jumps and flips, Geometry Dash has soared to over 242 million downloads, captivating players with its pulse-pounding challenges.
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Embark on a journey through the Galar region, inspired by the United Kingdom, in Pokémon Sword and Shield for the Nintendo Switch. Aspiring Pokémon trainers strive to become the champion by capturing, training, and battling Pokémon, all while unraveling the region’s mysteries. Introducing new Pokémon species, regional variants, and the thrilling Dynamax and Gigantamax mechanics, Pokémon Sword and Shield offer a captivating adventure with vast open-world exploration and multiplayer Max Raid Battles.
Untitled Goose Game
In the comedic stealth adventure developed by House House, players assume the role of a mischievous goose wreaking havoc in a calm English village. With over 2 million downloads, players revel in honking, stealing items, and executing goose-like antics to complete objectives while dodging detection by villagers. Untitled Goose Game’s whimsical premise and charming art style have endeared it to players worldwide.
Minecraft, the sandbox phenomenon from Mojang Studios, invites players to explore blocky, procedurally-generated worlds and unleash their creativity. With over 200 million copies sold and a vibrant community, Minecraft offers endless possibilities—from building elaborate structures to farming, mining, and engaging in hand to hand combat. Through multiplayer servers, mods, and custom maps, players can share their virtual creations and forge unforgettable experiences with friends.