Water is crucial for life, and scientists have long pondered about its origins. Understanding this could help us learn about the potential for life beyond Earth. Recently, NASA made an exciting discovery that could change how we see these questions. On February 24, 2024, NASA found water on asteroids which could change our understanding of Earth’s history and where we might find water in space.
Scientists detected the water molecules using data collected by the now-defunct SOFIA. SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, was a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to carry a reflecting telescope. Flying at 38,000-45,000 feet, SOFIA was positioned above 99 percent of the Earth’s infrared-blocking atmosphere which allowed astronomers to study the solar system and beyond in ways that are not possible with ground-based telescopes.
Before this discovery, scientists had two main ideas about where Earth’s water came from. Some thought that Earth had water from the beginning, while others believed that water was brought by asteroids and comets. NASA’s discovery supports the idea that asteroids played a big role in bringing water to Earth.
NASA found water on two asteroids, Iris and Massalia, by studying the light they emit. SOFIA detected the water using its infrared spectroscopy capabilities, revealing a special pattern that indicates the presence of water molecules. This discovery is exciting because it challenges previous assumptions about asteroids. Scientists used to think that asteroids close to the sun would lose their water due to the sun’s heat. However, finding water on these asteroids suggests that there might be more water in the inner part of our solar system than we thought.
This discovery is important because there are about 1 million asteroids in our solar system. Knowing that some of them carry water could help us understand more about water in space. It could also give us clues about where to look for water and possibly life in other parts of the universe.
However, it’s important to note that while the discovery of water on asteroids is significant, it does not rule out the possibility that water could have originated from other sources and mechanisms in the early solar system.
NASA’s discovery of water on asteroids represents a major advancement in our understanding of Earth’s history and the search for water and life elsewhere in the universe. This finding challenges existing assumptions and could have profound implications for our understanding of the universe and future space exploration.