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The Student News Site of Rio Norte Junior High

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Courtesy of HGTV
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May 28, 2024

Student Spotlight: Rajanya Konar

Rajanya Konar
Rajanya in Europe last summer of 2023

Meet Rajanya Konar, one of our 8th grade Riverhawks here at Rio Norte! You may recognize the name as she has appeared on Rio TV several times as an anchor in which she is one of two people conducting the narrating and introduction. Rajanya has had a lot to share about herself in a recent interview conducted with her. 

One of Rio TV’s Hard Working Crew Members

As stated earlier, Rajanya is a part of Rio TV, a show conducted to give updates on events that take place at our school and around the community. Rajanya shares her experiences with Rio TV by stating, “What inspired me to join RioTV was that I really enjoyed being on camera and I wanted to try out these new materials with video making and different editing techniques!” To add on, editing and creating graphics with engaging elements for Rio TV is what she finds as her best experience with Rio TV and learning how to do it. As she continues to excel in Rio TV, Rajanya is getting better at creating the projects as she continues to work hard.

Rajanya also views Rio TV as an opportunity to meet new people and build connections with others. She goes on to say, “There are a lot of things to like about Rio TV. Being with friends and bonding with them is definitely a great part about this elective. Plus, also just gaining new experience and life long skills that are actually really useful when creating unique projects.” Anything Rajanya puts her mind to, she’s always willing to try. Digging deeper into her experiences with Rio TV, Rajanya puts the spotlight on what she favors most about Rio TV. She says, “One of my favorite things in Rio TV is being surrounded by a lot of fun people. Also, new 7th graders who join quickly become our friends. Creating a show together always makes great memories.” This not only builds a stronger community and connection here at Rio between students, but also creates a warm welcoming environment for the 7th graders who recently joined our Riverhawks here at Rio Norte. 

8th Grade Experience

 Rajanya has also been a part of Rio TV not only in 8th grade, but 7th grade as well! Compared to elementary school, Rajanya finds junior high to be her favorite level of education so far, especially being at Rio Norte. To add on, she says, “During 8th grade, I think I have made a lot of good friends compared to 7th grade and learned so many things.” As for class subjects, Rajanya finds science and math to be the most interesting and intriguing for her so far in 8th grade. In 7th grade she enjoyed history and science. Going deeper into her interests on these subjects, Rajanya adds, “When it comes to math it’s interesting to learn new concepts and have a better understanding of it. But even when some of the math units are not the best, it still helps me gain new skills. For science, biology is what really caught my attention and it’s so fun to learn about the Earth and everything in it. Doing experiments is also a favorite of mine and it’s really exciting to see the results.” 

Daily Life

Outside of school, Rajanya enjoys relaxing at home with her kind-hearted family. She is an only child living with her family and  dog which she also took the time to share about. She goes on to add, “I have one dog and his name is Caesar. He is a golden retriever and he is super energetic, extremely playful, and a crybaby. Getting attention is his favorite thing and usually I like to just run around the house or outside with him and Caesar loves to chew and rip his toys.” Furthermore, Rajanya adds “I also love cuddling with Caesar and laying down next to him. It makes me feel warm and watching him sleep is the cutest thing ever!” Adding on to spending time with her dog, Rajanya would spend her free time calling and chatting with friends over FaceTime, or as she says “I love to draw and do paper crafts for fun, watch TV, and eat a lot of desserts. I also love noodles so whenever I have the time to make some, I’ll have it.” 

Rajanya has paved an exciting journey throughout her time at Rio Norte. Before Rio, she spent all 6 years of elementary school at West Creek Academy where she has made close friends and made new discoveries in her time of learning and talents as well, which she is really good at drawing and painting. 


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