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May 28, 2024

Valentines Day

Courtesy of iStock

Valentine’s Day, celebrated annually on February 14th, is a day where couples exchange gifts, heartfelt messages, and affectionate gestures. While Valentine’s day is all about roses, chocolates, and romantic dinners, Valentine’s Day originated from century old traditions and tales of love and sacrifice. With its roots in ancient Roman and Christian traditions, Valentine’s Day has evolved into a global celebration of love in all its forms. Whether you’re spending it with a romantic partner, friends, or family, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to show appreciation and strengthen bonds with the people who mean the most to you.

Valentine’s day dates back to Ancient Rome when Emperor Claudius II banned marriage for soldiers so men would be more focused and willing to go to war. Saint Valentine, a Roman priest, thought this was unfair so he began arranging marriages in secret. He eventually got caught, and was imprisoned. While being imprisoned, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, Julia, whom he befriended. The jailer, Asterius, requested Valentine to heal his daughter’s eyesight, due to her being blind. Through his faith, Valentine restored her sight, and converted them both to Christianity. Before Valentine was sent for his execution on February 14th, he sent Julia a love letter, which he signed, “from your Valentine”. The letter Saint Valentine sent officially became known as the first “valentine”. Since then, the phrase, “from your Valentine”, is written at the end of love letters. In the year 1537, King Henry VII officially made February 14th St. Valentine’s Day. 

Nowadays, in schools, children distribute candies and chocolates to their classmates and teachers on Valentine’s Day. This is because the ancient Mayans and Aztecs considered chocolate to be having mystical properties which are associated with love and romance, but it was only until 1861, that a candy-maker named Richard Cadbury decided to sell chocolates in heart-shaped boxes,  decorated with rosebuds and Cupids, popular symbols for Valentine’s Day. Since then, chocolate has always been associated with Valentine’s Day. Today, more than 58 million pounds of chocolate are bought to celebrate Valentine’s Day each year.

Overall, Valentine’s Day is a day to express and celebrate love for people. While its origins may lie in ancient traditions, the spirit of Valentine’s Day continues to evolve, showing how much we all crave connection and love. Whether with big gestures or small kindnesses, it’s a special time for showing affection and deepening our relationships with those we care about.

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