In a recent chat with Ms. Shaw, we found out some neat things about her. We kicked off with a fun question about her lucky number. Ms. Shaw spilled the beans that her lucky number is 3, giving us a peek into her playful side. It’s pretty cool to learn about people’s superstitions or beliefs, and Ms. Shaw being into the number 3 adds a delightful touch to her profile.
Next up were questions about Ms. Shaw’s preferences. When I asked about her favorite color, she couldn’t quite make up her mind, choosing between the yellows and the blues. Her indecision might just be a reflection of how dynamic and layered her personality is. People often sway towards different colors based on their moods and situations.
Then, we dived into her job. Ms. Shaw shared this awesome story about how she got into teaching. It all started when friends sought her help with homework, praising her ability for explaining tricky topics. Encouraged by their words, Ms. Shaw took on the role of an educator, handling both math and history. She has a thing for the challenge of math and wants to share her knowledge about high school-level math.
Digging deeper into her teaching choices, Ms. Shaw shed light on why she teaches history. Beyond the classroom, history serves as a canvas for her to express her love and knowledge about places she dreams of visiting. Juggling the roles of a teacher and a perpetual learner enriches her approach to education, creating a fascinating connection between her passion for history and the desire to inspire her students.
Ms. Shaw’s journey led her to become a key part of the Rio community a few years ago. Before Rio, she shared her teaching expertise at Hart high school. The transition between educational institutions signifies not only her commitment to shaping young minds but also highlights her experience in diverse teaching environments. Ms. Shaw’s narrative is like a mix-tape of personal interests, educating choices, and a rich professional history that together define her as an educator and a valued member of the community.