Rio Norte has had ants for so many years. Ever since 2003, ants have been invading the school and popping out whenever they feel like it. They do this because of the hot weather and food in classrooms.
One of the reasons we have ants is because our school was built on an ant hill. Some ways the custodians have helped our school is by putting tiny plastic traps which are filled with Terro Ant Killer Bait so the ants don’t go inside the classrooms. A lot of the ants in the school also like going inside the library, gym lockers, and classrooms because they hate being outside when it is extremely hot. Fun fact, the Bullet Ant, Jack Jumper Ant, Fire Ant, and Red Importanted Fire Ants have the most dangerous bite.
People at Rio Norte, like the custodians, have seen ants all over the locker rooms. Bubba the custodian is one of the people who set up traps around the school and gym for the ants. He said, “We put them out every few weeks,” and, “60 traps are placed around the school.” Also, Bubba puts ant bait in the traps. You might say well why can we not spray raid? Well, it’s because a lot of sprays have toxins that can hurt humans too.
We have also seen the ants in the classrooms. The ants may be in the classrooms because students and some teachers accidentally leave food wrappers or spilled water in the classrooms. This is what Ava Welch, a student at Rio Norte, says about the problem; “When I was in Mr. Ippolito’s room I had to sit in the back because of the ant problem.” She also states, “I don’t want to harm them but they can get pretty annoying.”
One way you can make the ants go away is by trying not to spill food or drinks on the floor. Next time you see these ants, remember the history. Also, say thanks to your custodians because they work very hard to get rid of this problem and more.