Ideas to do Over the Summer

Courtesy of Thrive Global

Charles Newton, Staff Writer

Summer break is a 66-day period in between the next school year. Students can enjoy this time of not having to worry about school and getting to play and hang out with friends. Some people may just play video games others play outside, but it can sometimes become boring when you feel you have nothing to do. A typical response over summer is “nothing.” There are many ideas to make the most of your summer.
Playing outside can be a great way to spend your summer. Ride a bike, play sports with friends, or play with pets. Many people can buy a soccer ball, football, or baseball to throw around with friends giving long periods of fun. Some people may take time to work out. People can find workout plans online that include running, doing exercises, or just playing are all things you can do to get exercise. There are many parks in Santa Clarita with the Terry Miller Memorial Park right next to the school. There are also many trails with the San Francisquito Creek Trail (Westside).

Working out and getting fit is very healthy and good for people to do. There are many websites that can tell you what to do. There are many trails in Santa Clarita that you can go to and ride your bike or jog. Also lifting weights are good and doing exercises that involve your whole body.

Also practicing for the next school year is also a good idea. There are many apps such as IXL to practice math and English. Also, you can read textbooks online and learning apps. Reading is also a great thing to do while spending your summer.

Playing inside with family and friends is also really great to do over the summer. Video games are super fun and you can do them inside without getting super hot. It’s also great so you can play with friends who are too far away to come that day. You can also invite friends over to play board games such as Monopoly, chess, and Risk. Also, another option is to play with pets or family members.

Some great vacation ideas are visiting things you may have never seen before. Visiting the National Parks in America is a really cool experience. Cruises are also amazing opportunities to spend time with family and friends as long as you don’t mind being on the sea. Traveling internationally and visiting places you are interested in is a fun experience you can ask parents to take you on.

Courtesy of Town and Country Magazine

Micah Kim, a 7th grader here at Rio Norte said, “Over the summer I will be going to multiple camps and taking a trip to New York.” Tegan Johnson a 7th grader also at Rio Norte said, “I will be visiting the pool a lot and playing video games over the summer.” Many people are either going to fun places or staying home to relax before the next school year.

Overall, summer is a fun time you don’t need to spend bored or not knowing what to do. Going on vacation, playing outside, and spending time with family are all great things to do.