Summer School Classes Avalible

Courtesy of Verywell Family
April 27, 2023
Summer School is something every student should at least consider. If you’re in 8th grade, you’re eligible to take Traditional Summer School, which is a recovery and advancement courses. It is a basic summer school program used to fix your grade. CTE Summer Career Experience can help you explore career pathways. If you’re in 7th grade you could take Summer IMPACT, which is an English and math enrichment program. These classes are great for you to take and would help you out with your grade, or maybe make you better at a subject which well help your grade.
If you want to sign up, you can talk to your counselor about which of these programs could be good for you. . The bell schedule is similar to a regular day. The Two bell schedule starts off at Breakfast at 8:00 A.M – 8:30 A.M, that’s when Session 1 starts 8:30 A.M – 11:00 A.M, than brunch is served 11:00 A.M – 11:10 A.M, that’s when Session 2 starts 11:15 A.M – 1:45 P.M. The Junior High Summer IMPACT Schedule is different it goes, Breakfast 8:00 A.M – 8:30 A.M, Period 1 goes from 8:30 – 11:00 A.M, Brunch goes from 10:10 A.M to 10:25 A.M and Period 2 goes from 10:25 A.M – 12:05 P.M and Period 3 goes from 12:10 P.M – 1:45 P.M
If you attend to any middle school in the SCV you are offered summer school. Locations for CTE Summer Career Experience are at Canyon High School , Hart High School , and Saugus High School. Traditional Summer School is at Canyon High school, Hart High School, Saugus High School, Placerita Jr. High School , and Sierra Vista Jr. High School. Summer IMPACT is held at La Mesa Jr. High School , Placerita Jr. High School , and Sierra Vista Jr. High School .
Summer school teacher, Mr. St. Peter explained ¨Most people take summer school because they need the credits and you need a certain amount of credits to pass a grade. Sometimes new 7th grade students take summer school ahead of time to understand what its going to be like.¨
Summer school is something that everyone should consider to take because it will help them so much in the future. You don’t need to take it just because you failed a grade. People in high level colleges take summer school all the time. There are so many advantages and should be thought of by everybody.