Blood drive held in honor of Valencia Viking Pedro Roman

Courtesy of Facebook

Lucy Blue, Staff Writer

In 2019, Valencia High School student, Pedro Roman, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Unfortunately, lost his battle to cancer on February 1, 2021. According to Olivia Castallo, a college student who went to Valencia with Pedro and was his best friend for a really long time, Roman had a positive attitude no matter what challenges he faced. During Pedro’s treatment he received over 100 blood transfusions. 

On Saturday February 4, 2023,  in remembrance of Roman, the community and friends and family supporting him partnered with Houchin Community Blood Bank hosted a blood drive in honor of Roman, it started at 10am and ended at 3pm, at Christ Lutheran Church, which is located at 25816 North Tournament Road in Valencia. All donations received a Houchin long-sleeve shirt and a $10 preloaded player card for MB2 Entertainment after their donation. 

Courtesy of Facebook

Blood donations helped his family in many different ways and ultimately helped them gain more strength to keep on fighting for everyone who suffers with cancer. Just like Roman, there are many people in the community that have supported him and his family throughout their hard times without having Pedro here today.