Teacher Spotlight – Ms. Kratofil
September 27, 2022

7th grade history teacher, Ms. Kratofil has been teaching history at Rio Norte for 14 years. She loves spending time with her buddies Ms. Bretthauer and Ms. Mandel. Ms. Bretthauer is a 7th grade science teacher and Ms. Mandel is a 7th grade math teacher. They both teach here at Rio. She enjoys going to Disneyland with these two people.
Ms. Kratofil has been teaching history for a long period of time. When Ms. Kratofil was in 8th grade, she had a history teacher named Mrs. Reagan. Ms. Kratofil explained that Mrs. Reagan “was [her] inspiration to become a history teacher.” Ms. Kratofil has no kids or pets. She is an alumnus of Santa Rosa High School. She also grew up in Northern California. Ms. Kratofil always refers to herself as “the grandma of this school.”

Some cool facts about Ms. Kratofil are that she has traveled to 4 of the 7 continents, she began to learn oil painting 10 years ago and has made many pieces since, and she attended 6 different elementary schools. She also started teaching in 1996, she is currently 50 years old, and her birthday is August 6. She wants to travel to Morocco in North Africa. Her favorite place to travel to was Tanzania. She graduated from school in 1995 and loves to eat at Royal Tandon. Her favorite time of history to teach is World War 1. After being asked if she could go back in time, where would she go, and why, Ms. Kratofil said, “I would like to go back to 1920 because it was a very fun time.”
When asking 7th grade science teacher Mrs. Zide, “How long have you known Ms. Kratofil?” she responded, ”I have known her for 2-ish years.” When asked, “What do you like about Ms. Kratofil?” She replied, “I like her personality and the way that she is with her students.”
If you want to talk to Ms. Kratofil or have any questions, you can email her at [email protected] or go to room D-13!