Teacher Appreciation Week

Courtesy of Tali

Tali Cooper

This past week, May 1 – 8 this year is Teacher Appreciation Week, where students thank teachers for all the hard work they do for your education. Teachers deserve this week after everything they do for their students. Teachers put in a lot of work to educate their students and there are many generous things you can do this week to thank your teachers.

Eleanor Roosevelt convinced the 81st congress to create the first Teacher Appreciation Day. It started as an official holiday in 1980 on March 4, until 1984 when it was moved to its day in May. People continued to observe this holiday until 1985 when the National PTA established this celebration as the first full week of May.

So, what are some things you can do for your teachers during this week? You can:

  • Just thanking them is always a nice option!
  • Get them chocolates, that’s generous and basic
  • Cash – if you’re allowed to – some districts don’t allow
  • Gift Cards! – Target, Starbucks, Barnes and Nobles, etc.
  • An original gift special from you!

These actions really make teachers’ days and help them feel good about everything they do. 7th-grade science and Teen Leadership teacher Mr. O explains that it is really nice to be acknowledged for the hard work he puts in for his students. He says, “It is always nice to be appreciated!” Mr. O also exclaims that doing these things is really his encouragement to come to school and teach every day.

Furthermore, Elle Michelson said that she gave Teacher Appreciation Week gifts to Math James, Mr. Maradkel, Ms. Zide, and Mr. Gilbert. She said, “Math James was very excited about her plant!” and, “Ms. Zide said ‘Thank you!’ and seemed very excited.” Elle’s favorite part about this week is seeing the smiles on the teacher’s faces. “It’s so rewarding,” she exclaims.

This holiday is very special to teachers all around the world and you should give them your thanks even if this week has already passed. Even if it’s not Teacher Appreciation Week, your teachers would still really appreciate the generous gifts or even thank yous!