The Benefits of Homework

Courtesy of Very Well Family

Gabriel Navarro

Homework, most people in Schools including Rio Norte students all know what this word means and know how to do it, and when it’s due. One question we don’t ask ourselves is why we do homework or where or when it was created. What benefits do we gather from homework and how does it benefit us in school and outside of it? Homework can benefit both our education and help to learn important life skills, but what amount of homework is appropriate for learning?

Homework is commonly frowned upon by students because an afternoon without work or worries seems the most delightful. Homework is also known to put a lot of stress on students because they require it for a grade and most parents want their children’s grades up before they can have fun or participate in certain activities. The amount of homework can also stress or worries in a student because they have a responsibility to do it. The Resilient Educator states“Homework for junior high students appears to reach the point of diminishing returns after about 90 minutes a night. For high school students, the positive line continues to climb until between 90 minutes and 2.5 hours of homework a night, after which returns diminish.” This information by Professor Ravitch states homework to a certain point will not give a student help, but it is still important to get the right amount of time per day.

Homework can also help students study for tests and other things like quizzes and even help study habits. Homework has been known to give students problems in math, science, history, and English homework. Homework sometimes seems like a waste of time but if you notice the students who do homework and study are responsible. They are always on top of all things in life and are prepared. Hudson Lee a 7 grader at Rio Norte said” I always study before a test and make sure that my homework is done even before I start to do any fun activities. Homework is beneficial to both the students in school and out of school, so right now do your homework and stop procrastinating it will help you.