Spring Has Sprung in Santa Clarita


Courtesy of Mariangela

Mariangela Montano and Shae Perico

 Spring, the season of nature has finally started. Everywhere you go, you will see pretty plants and colorful flowers. The nice weather and the slight wind will make you want to take a long walk. But what else happens in Spring?

        This year, Spring started on March 20th and it will end on June 21st, 2022. Groundhog’s day was Wednesday, February 2, 2022. Groundhog’s day determines whether Winter will last longer or Spring will begin early. Punxsutawney Phil saw a shadow on Groundhog Day 2022 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. This means there would be 6 more weeks of winter.

       Spring is the season when days start to get longer. Animals awake from hibernation and the weather gets warmer. Also, babies and human babies are frequently born in Spring too. Since there is more light it releases serotonin, which makes us happier. But it is also the season of allergies. Lastly, plants start to bloom more.

Courtesy of Mariangela

       Other than taking long walks there are so many other activities to do during Spring. For example, you can go on picnics on the grass at the park with friends and family, take a bike ride for exercise, take long walks, or skate with your friends in the perfect weather. Other options are flying kites and looking for four-leaf clovers.

    Kaid Dudley, a 7th grader, at Rio Norte said, “I like having picnics, swimming, and shopping for Spring clothes. Evan Escobar, another 7th grader, at Rio Norte said, “I like playing tennis and training because the weather is perfect. It’s balanced because of the transition. It allows all activities to be enjoyable at the same time.”Hayley Pelletier, an 8th grader, at Rio Norte said, “My top 3 fav spring activities are skating, swimming, and hanging out with friends.”

      Spring is the season of birth, and nature has started. Flowers are blooming and it’s the perfect weather. Go enjoy it while it lasts!