Rio Norte’s Teachers Pet Peeves

Courtesy of

Soren Buan

“Pet peeve: a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly irritating to them.”

Rio Norte teachers love their students however, some things students do can get under the teachers’ skin. On top of pet peeves, teachers also deal with a lot of other issues on a daily basis. According to a study from MedicineNet kids ages, 12-14 experience hormones “…[p]uberty and peer pressure [that] leave these [them] feeling angry, alone, and confused, which can cause bad behavior and disagreements.” These alterations in behavior can cause more room for peeving teachers. Below are some of the Rio Norte teacher’s pet peeves and how to avoid peeving your teachers.

First, History Teacher Mr. Osovsky,

 “When kids make inappropriate noises” 


English Teacher Mrs. St. Antoine Perez, 

“when students lie”


Math Teacher Mrs. Rippe and Mrs. Joyce, 

“When students are lazy but think they deserve an A.” They also don’t like “when kids can’t take ownership for their actions.”


PE teacher Mr. Stroh and Mr. Burleson, 

“When kids forget their PE clothes” as well as “when kids use profanity.”


Culinary Teacher Mrs. Prieto, 

“When kids leave their kitchen area messy.”

And Last, Science Teacher Mr. St Peter, 

“When students don’t listen then ask what to do”


The takeaway from this experiment shows that it doesn’t take too much sacrifice to make teachers happy, just being responsible, respectful, participating, and behaving leaves both you and your teachers untroubled. Doing those things not only benefits your teachers, but it also goes in the student’s favor as well. Doing those things will make it easier for you in class and it will teach you how to build respectful habits.