Art Therapy at Rio

Art Therapy at Rio

Ananya Joseph


We all have different ways of expressing ourselves, one way would be through art. Art therapy is a way of relieving stress by expressing emotions through visual art. It specializes in areas of mental health using creative ways to relieve stress, anxiety and increase self-esteem.

In art therapy, you can draw, color, paint, and sculpt feelings that you can’t put in words. This works for all ages, especially teens. Art therapists work at places like,
– Schools
– Hospitals
– Psychiatric and Rehabilitation Facilities
– Veterans Clinic
– Private Practice
– Crisis Centers
– Community Clinics
– Forensic Institutions
– Senior Community

Art Therapists should have a degree in art or creative therapies. If not, any other related studies like psychology, nursing, or school work will make them eligible. They help people reduce their pain and stress. They also work with adult cancer patients, to improve quality of life.

Courtesy of Sahasra Ponnuswamy

Rio Norte Counselor, Mrs.Ferry shared her knowledge on Art Therapy, “Art therapy can be used by anyone to ground themselves when they are feeling overwhelmed and used as a healthy outlet to express themselves or get out any emotions. It can be soothing and a mindless activity or a very thoughtful and purposeful activity depending on how you want to use it or what you are trying to get out of it.”

She thinks drawing your feelings is better than keeping them bottled up. “It can help students reflect on how they are feeling. Sometimes students will just start drawing their feelings and it gives them the opportunity to see their feelings on paper. It also gives them the opportunity to show/share how they are feeling with others (parents, friends, counselors, other staff), especially if they can’t find the words to describe it.”

When asked about Art Therapy at Rio she replied, “All the counselors practice some form of art therapy. We have coloring books, sketchbooks, and all different art supplies in our offices as well as in the Wellness Room. If we have students who are having a tough day or moment, we let them draw or color. This helps them to calm down and reset themselves. If it also helps them open up about how they are feeling then that is a plus too. The goal is to help students to get their emotions out and not bottle them up to the point where they feel like they can’t handle it.”

Courtesy of Sahasra Ponnuswamy

The school wellness coordinator, Mr. Rogelio Gonzalez, said art therapy is to relax and stimulate your mind. He said art therapy doesn’t have to be about the art necessarily, it is about the emotions. Not just when you are feeling stressed or anxious, you can draw when you are feeling happy too. Ms. Madeleine the social work intern said, your art reflects you and your personality, you can draw whatever you are feeling.

Art Therapy is where people can express, relive, and manage any stress or big feelings. It is best when you can’t put what’s on your mind into words. It can help people of all ages as everyone has stress and anxiety, but it is important to remember how to manage it.