Its O.K To Ask For Help

Its O.K To Ask For Help

Kailee Howard

Sometimes we’re put in a position where we believe it’s best to stay quiet. We believe that being quiet will cause less stress on others or even yourself. It is very understandable why others may feel like this or you yourself may feel like this. People can feel like this is any situation but the most common situation people may feel like this is sexual assault. It is shown that 80% of sexual assault casses go unreported. 8th grader Mckenzie Gracia states, “ Maybe people won’t say anything because they believe people won’t believe them.” This statement is 100% percent true. The risk of someone not believing you is there but risk is worth the take when you need to get your story out.


To elaborate on Mckenzie’s reasoning, going through a sexual assault situation can take a big toll on your life. Many men and women have gone through periods of depression, anxiety attacks, and some sadly take their lives.  Another quote from 9th grader Ashlynn Terry states, “Other reasons why people may not share this story is not necessarily fear of not being believed but the fear of trust.” This quote was very interesting because not many people think about it that way. This reason sometimes gets overshadowed just because not everyone looks at it that way. Anyone who has the fear of having their trust violated has every right to feel that way. They can have the fear the person they tell will spread what happened to them like a rumor or say they believe them but really they don’t. Every story is different but that does not mean each story doesn’t matter. Each of the story’s have one thing in common, they all deserve  to be heard.


To sum up all of the information sexual assault is somthimg nobody wants to talk about maybe esspicly the person who went through it. What I want whoever is reading this article to understand is that it doesn’t matter what gender, age, or even where you come from if you are ever in a terrible situation like this or if you know someone who has been in this situation just remember.  It’s ok to ask for help.